Types of Pests That Could Infest Your Lawn

Keeping a lawn healthy and lush takes excellent work, but sometimes, no matter how much care you give it, pests can find the tiniest opportunity to sneak in and wreak havoc. Homeowners concerned with lawn care in Kingwood Texas, want to know what kind of pests popped up and infested your lawn. This blog will look at what types of pests can infest your lawn and how to spot them before they cause too much damage to your beautiful landscape.

Common Pests That Could Infest Your Lawn

There is a wide variety of lawn pests, each with its unique manner of wreaking havoc on homeowners. Following are some of the most common lawn invaders:


Grubs are the larvae of beetles; Japanese beetles and June bugs are examples. These insects burrow beneath your lawn’s surface and feed on your grass’s roots. Grubs can cause dead patches in your lawn and weaken its overall structure. Proper lawn care in Kingwood Texas will help you avoid and treat grub infestation early on.

Chinch Bugs

Chinch bugs are small but mighty. They feed by sucking the sap from grass blades, causing yellow or brown patches. Because the solution might be mistakenly attributed to drought damage, chinch bug infestations are often difficult to locate without close inspections.


These caterpillars march in destructive waves across your lawn, simply munching on the grass blades and leaving enormous bare spots behind them. Armyworms can do serious damage in record time, especially when left unchecked.

Sod Webworms

Sod webworms are the larvae of tiny moths. These insects feed on the grass at night, leaving small, irregular brown patches. This pest spends the daytime hours concealed in silk-lined tunnels within the thatch layer of your lawn.


Billbug adults deposit their eggs in grass stems, and their larvae consume the grass blade’s interior tissue for food. Grass infested with this insect usually develops thinned pasture, wilts, and large brown patches that generally look like drought or disease damage.

How to Identify Lawn Pest Infestations

Lawn pests can be somewhat problematic to detect in the early stage, but there are some definite signs one can look out for:

  • Discolored or thinning patches of grass
  • Visible tunnels or burrows
  • The presence of small insects or larvae in the soil
  • Grass that pulls up quickly, as though the roots are weakened or missing

The earlier it’s identified, the less general damage will occur. So, it is crucial to check your lawn periodically for these signs.


Lawn pests can cause severe damage if left unaddressed, causing your once beautiful lawn to turn into an unhealthy pile of dead grass. FullScope Pest Control values a great lawn and prides itself on expert pest control services tailored to your needs. Our lawn care in Kingwood Texas services enable you to protect your lawn from the bloodstream of hazardous pests, allowing it to stay thick and green. Let FullScope Pest Control take care of lawn pests by making precise treatments. Call us today for consultation service and to maintain a healthy lawn!


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