Earwigs are among the most common creepy crawlies. They have big pincers and are usually seen running around our houses. They’re somewhat fearfully built and were often thought dangerous to humans. But are they really that harmful?
In this blog, we’ll look at facts about earwigs and their relationship to humans.

Understanding Earwigs
Earwigs are small, elongated insects with a distinctive pair of large pincers, or “cerci,” attached to their abdomens. While threatening in appearance to many persons, these forceps serve essential roles in defense and capturing food. In general, earwigs are nocturnal and, during the day, hide in damp, dark locations under leaves, pieces of wood, in moist soil, or among garden mulch. Effective earwig control depends on understanding their habitats and behavior to repel them.
Debunking Myths About Earwigs
Do Earwigs Really Crawl into Ears?
One of the more common myths regarding earwigs is that they must be attracted to human ears in order to lay eggs or burrow into a human brain. The truth is, this is purely folklore. The word “earwig” does indeed originate with Old English and simply means “ear creature,” but earwigs are simply not interested in going inside a human’s ear. This is a totally cranked-up myth.
Are Earwigs Poisonous?
Contrary to popular belief about these insects, earwigs are not poisonous nor venomous to human beings. Though they look intimidating, they do not carry any level of toxins that may pose threats. Earwigs use their pincers to defend against predators and during courtship displays, but they never hurt people.
Are Earwigs Dangerous to People?
Earwig Bites and Pinches
Earwigs do not bite, but they will use their pincers if threatened. Although an earwig pinch may be a surprise, it’s generally harmless, leaving the victim with only minor discomfort. They don’t inject venom like the bites or stings of some insects, nor do they pose any severe health threats.
Disease Transmission by Earwigs
There is no evidence to suggest that earwigs transmit disease to humans. Although many insects, such as mosquitoes or ticks, can spread diseases, earwigs are not within this category and pose no serious health concern to people.
Pain and Impact of Earwig Pinches
While an earwig’s pincers may look formidable, a pinch is usually no more severe than a gentle squeeze or light pinch. Most have minimal effect other than slight irritation or some redness.
When to Call a Professional Pest Control Service
Sometimes, earwig infestations get out of hand and beyond one’s ability. For severe infestations, professional help is advisable. They can help determine your infestation source and provide a plan for effective earwig control. This ensures that the problem has been addressed to the core, not leaving room for future issues.
Despite their fearsome appearance, earwigs are completely harmless to humans. They do not bite, transmit diseases, or pose any serious threat. If you have an earwig problem or some other type of pest infestation issue, Fullscope Pest Control offers effective, professional solutions to help you keep your home and garden pest-free. Call us today for effective earwig control with exceptional professionalism for a lasting sense of security.