Informational Blogs FullScope Pest Control
Why Are There So Many Crickets in Texas?
Crickets are common pests in Texas, and may find their way onto your Kingwood property, and maybe into your home. There are three main types
How to Control Flies in Your Kingwood Home
House flies (a.k.a., Musca domestica), are found all over the world, in just about every kind of climate and weather, including in Texas. They are known
Get Rid of Centipedes in Your Kingwood Home
Centipedes (“100 legs”) usually live outdoors, but they may occasionally wander inside if they find themselves close enough to your home’s foundation. Then there are
Flea Control For Your Porter Home
Getting rid of fleas in your home is no small feat, and it can be costly. Fleas are unique pests, in that they feed on
German Cockroaches in your Conroe Home: 6 Things You Should Know
You might think you know everything there is to know about German cockroaches. They live and wallow in filth, they multiply quickly, and you know
Managing Fleas in Your Home Environment
FLEAS AND FLEA CONTROL: GET RID OF FLEAS IN HOMES Fact, Identification and Control Latin Order Siphonaptera. Their Appearance Size: They are small, wingless and
What Causes Chinch Bugs on Your New Caney Lawn?
Chinch bugs attack only one type of lawn: St. Augustine grass, which is among the most common types of grass in the South. These pests cause
How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes
What does Mosquito look like? Latin Name: Family Culicidae Mosquitoes are of the true flies, Diptera, family. You can easily identify them through the following
What Causes Fruit Flies in Your Porter, TX House?
Fruit flies are annoying little pests that can pop up out just about anywhere, anytime. Porter, Texas is no exception. You can try to swat