Informational Blogs FullScope Pest Control
How to Avoid a Bed Bug Infestation
Best Way to Eliminate Bed Bugs is to Avoid Them! There are certain measures that you can take to prevent bed bugs from invading your
Crazy Ants in Kingwood
There’s a reason why Crazy Ants have this particular name. These ants are widely spread in many places all over the country and their primary
Kingwood Millipede Invasion
Are You Seeing these Guys Around Your Home? You are not alone, this spring we have seen the largest population of millipede invading homes in
Common Ant Questions Answered
WHAT ARE SOME OF THE MOST COMMON SPECIES OF ANTS? There are more than 700 species of ants in the United States. Some of the
Best Sprinkler in Kingwood, TX
Identifying the very Best Sprinkler in Kingwood, TX can be a bit tricky. The challenge is that some companies offer complete lawn care services, others
What is Wildlife Exclusion?
What is Wildlife Exclusion? Wildlife Exclusion is the practice of prevention, this may include multiple techniques, including sealing up entry points and habitat modification. Habitat Article
Read the entire article on about FullScope Pest Control, our services and about Derek’s Family.
Can You Tell the Difference Between Winged Termites and Winged Ants?
Can You Tell the Difference Between Winged Termites and Winged Ants? Spring is termite and swarming time, and when customers find them inside
Termites are Swarming
Couple of ways you might be inviting termites in your home According to NPMA, here are three unexpected ways that homeowners can actually make their
Best Flea and Tick Control, in Houston, TX
Think you have a flea or tick problem? Fleas and ticks are pretty common in the Houston, TX area and over the past couple of