
Controlling Millipedes in Your Conroe Yard

Bug Bite Identification

There are over one thousand different species of millipedes in the United States, and many are found in Texas. Most of them vary in color from grey to light brown, and even to orange, and they are known to move very slowly. They all appear to have hundreds of “wavy” legs. Most millipede species take at least a year or two to be able to reproduce, and after that, they can live another 5 to 10 years.

Millipedes are mainly outdoor creatures, but at times, may find their way into your home. Once inside, they will seek out damp, dark areas to hide out. They can also attract pests that hunt and feed on them, like ants and spiders.

These arthropod pests love crawling around and living in damp soil, mulch, decomposing leaves, root systems, and rotting thatch. It’s their main source of nutrition, and they will stick around as long as there is a food supply to support their population, which can get into the hundreds in an average yard. 

Millipedes in Conroe, Texas

How to Prevent Millipede Invasions

One good thing about millipedes is that they are virtually harmless; they don’t bite, sting, or transmit diseases. But they are a bit of a nuisance.

Stopping millipede invasions takes some preventive steps, starting with identifying possible nesting sites. Knowing where they nest (it will usually be along one side of your home) helps you know where to minimize the damp, decomposing conditions in which millipedes thrive. Eliminating these will mean fewer of them will stick around your yard, and fewer will wander inside your home.

The first step is to identify nest sights. This will allow you to minimize the conditions these pests need which in turn will lead to less getting inside. Look to see where they are invading. In most cases, you will find them along one side or wall of your home.

Move mulch and firewood away from the side of your home, at least 20 feet, and clear grass clippings, compost piles, leaf debris, and other organic plant matter from your yard. 

Keep thatch buildup raked from off of your lawn. Eliminating these conditions will keep millipedes and other pests away from your home. They will go elsewhere for food and shelter. 

Also, don’t forget to seal up cracks, crevices, and other holes around your home’s foundation. Screen off utility/pipe entry points (or stuff gaps with steel wool). 

Millipedes are not dangerous at all, but they can invade your home and create an unpleasant situation if they are allowed harborage for long enough. And remember they attract ants and spiders that feed on them. The faster you act to control them, the quicker you can rest easy. Save yourself plenty of time, money, and headaches by calling our Conroe, TX pest control experts. Call us today so we can get cracking on getting your yard free of millipedes and other invasive pests.



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