
How to Get Rid Of Pests In The Garage

How to Get Rid Of Pests In The Garage | Full Scope Pest Control

Pests in the garage are probably one of the last things you want to deal with. Unfortunately, they’re a common occurrence and can lead to major headaches if they go unchecked.

Get Rid Of Pests

Don’t panic if you have pests in your garage; there are many ways to get rid of them safely and successfully. As your trusted Humble Texas pest control experts, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about getting rid of pests in your garage.  

Inspect Your Garage

The first step in getting rid of pests from your garage is to know what pests are invading your space. Common garage pests include mice, rats, bees, termites, and spiders. Inspect for signs of each of these pests. If you see a spider web, that’s an indicator that there may be spiders nearby.

Repair Damage and Seal Entryways

Many pests enter the home through cracks and holes in the garage walls or floors. It’s important to inspect the walls and floors for signs of damage. Damage can appear as fractures in the concrete or holes in the drywall. Repairing this damage will aid in the prevention of future bug problems.

Remove Their Food Source

Garages often have food sources that attract pests like mice and rats. Garbage cans can contain scraps that rodents love to get into. Rubbish cans should be kept away from home and should always be emptied when they are full to avoid bringing pests into your garage with the stench of garbage.

Keep Things Clean

Maintaining a clean and organized garage is critical. When you’re working on a project that involves using a lot of different tools, it’s easy to leave things lying around. However, clutter provides shelter for pests like moths, spiders, and mice. Taking the time to put everything back in its proper place will make it more difficult for these critters to find a place to hide in your garage.

Use Pesticides Safely and Responsibly

 A number of products are available to kill pests, but they all contain chemicals that could harm you if they’re not used properly. Before using any pesticide, thoroughly read the label. Adhere to all directions, including use-by dates, mixing instructions, and protective gear recommendations.

Seek a Professional Help

If you’re not comfortable taking care of the pest problem yourself, or if it’s too big for you to handle alone, call in an expert. Exterminators have specialized training and equipment to help them get rid of pests effectively.

By following these steps, you can keep the garage free of pests and the dangers they pose to your family. The sooner you fix the pest problem, the sooner you will be able to enjoy your garage again.


Reach Out To Us Today!

At Fullscope Pest Control, we do more than just eliminate your pest problems. We will provide you with the information to ensure the prevention of pests in the future. Our exterminators specialize in addressing details big and small to ensure that pests receive the treatment they deserve. We have tons of experience with getting rid of pests, so we’re able to identify the problem quickly and assess the situation from all angles. Contact us now!


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