Affordable Pest Control Services

A successful cockroach control program begins with a thorough cockroach home inspection. Call the experts, with over 30 year’s industry experience.

Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants are the second most destructive pest against your home, next to termites. If your home seems to be attracting carpenter ants, we can help you.

Spider Control
We at FullScope Pest Control we have the knowledge and expertise to control and monitor your spider control needs.

Fire Ant
If you’re sick of fire ants intruding upon your yard, we are the people to call to get rid of them once and for all.

If you suspect that termites have made their way into your home, then better call in FullScope expert for an excellent professional pest control solution.

Flea Extermination
Just moved in and not sure why you have fleas? At FullScope Pest Control we offer a superior solution of flea control for your home and yard.

Rodent Wildlife
Controlling and excluding mice, rats, rodents, squirrels, and raccoons in your home or business can sometimes seem overwhelming, but our specialist can assist you.

Mosquito control comes in 3 primary forms: Mosquito Misting Systems, Residual Barrier Sprays, and Fogging. We have significant experience in all 3 types of applications.