Characteristics of Dollar Spot
Dollar spot is a turfgrass disease caused by the fungi Sclerotinia homoeocarpa. It typically manifests as small, round, straw-colored patches on the lawn, resembling silver dollars, hence the name “dollar spot.” The affected grass blades exhibit characteristic lesions, and in severe cases, these lesions can merge, causing larger dead areas in the lawn.
Causes of Dollar Spot in Houston
Several factors contribute to the development of dollar spot, especially in the warm and humid climate of Houston:
- Environmental Conditions: Dollar spot thrives in warm and humid conditions, making Houston an ideal environment for its development. The disease is most prevalent during periods of high humidity and moderate temperatures.
- Grass Type: Certain grass species, such as Bermuda grass and Zoysia grass, commonly found in Houston lawns, are more susceptible to dollar spot. However, it can affect a variety of turfgrasses.
- Soil Conditions: Compact, poorly-drained soils with insufficient aeration can create an environment conducive to dollar spot development. Proper lawn care practices, including regular aeration, can help prevent this.