What Kinds of Disease Do Mosquitoes Carry?

Are you tired of mosquitoes’ annoying buzz at night and the itchy red welts they leave behind? Though these bites are annoying, they pale compared to the severe health risks these insects cause. Being world-known as the most life-taking creatures, they provoke the death of over 700,000 people globally each year with their transferred diseases.

In this blog, we will explore the various diseases mosquitoes carry, how they spread, and what mosquito control you can do to protect your home and family from these dangerous pests.

mosquito on skin

Common Diseases Transmitted by Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes transmit diseases through their bites, injecting viruses or parasites into the bloodstream of their hosts. These diseases typically affect millions, resulting in a considerable health burden.

West Nile Virus

Culex species mosquito is a known vector for the West Nile Virus, which may lead to illnesses like fever, headache, body aches, severe joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash. Acute cases cause neurological diseases involving encephalitis or meningitis. How soon any person improves from a severe illness can take several weeks or months; some effects could be permanent.

Zika Virus

The Zika virus is generally caused by Aedes mosquitoes, which cause mild symptoms such as fever, rash, and joint pain. If pregnant, however, it can raise the risk of severe congenital disabilities. Modes of transmission include through sexual contact, blood transfusion, and from mother to child during pregnancy.

Dengue Fever

Also carried by Aedes mosquitoes, dengue fever is characterized by high fever, severe headache, pain behind the eyes, and pains in joints and muscles. In grave instances, it is succeeded by dengue hemorrhagic fever, which means bleeding, blood plasma leakage, and even dengue shock syndrome, which may lead to death.


Chikungunya, transmitted through the Aedes mosquito, is an infection that leads to severe fever, arthralgia, myalgia, headache, nausea, asthenia, and rash. The joint pains are very excruciating and rather incapacitating and, at times, last for several months or years. While the disease is not fatal, long-lasting arthralgias affect the quality of life.


This is a parasitic infection caused by members of the genus Plasmodium; it spreads due to bites from infected Anopheles mosquitoes. Characteristic features are fever, chills, and flu. Then, serious ones manifest in the form of organ failures, coma, and death. Malaria is generally endemic to almost every tropical and subtropical extent. Preventive measures include antimalarial drugs and mosquito control strategies​​.

Preventive Measures Against Mosquito-Borne Diseases

To prevent mosquito-borne diseases:

– Apply insect repellent

– Wear long-sleeved shirts and pants

– Avoid high mosquito activity areas

– Use bed nets in risky areas

– Eliminate standing water

– Use larvicides or traps

– Install window and door screens

For comprehensive mosquito controls, professionals offer target treatments, regular monitoring, and advice on reducing mosquito habitats close to your home.


Understanding the severe health risks mosquitoes pose and the diseases they carry highlights the importance of effective mosquito control. You can protect your home and family from these dangerous pests by implementing preventive measures and staying informed about mosquito-borne diseases.

At Fullscope Pest Control, we safeguard your home against mosquito infestations and other pests. Our expert team uses proven strategies to eliminate breeding sites, reduce mosquito populations, and provide ongoing protection for your property. Contact Fullscope Pest Control today for comprehensive pest management solutions tailored to your needs.


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